Gambas France BETA

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Gesthotel-Software hotel management

spheris#16 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 09:51:00
are you an english reader ?
sure you're !
Great !

;) ;)

to share your soft, go to :
gambix#17 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 18:37:00
Faire simple !hum when it work :/... i've see some bugs !... i need to look or that
Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.
spheris#18 Posté le 8/9/2010 à 21:18:00
on your home page , could you add a link :

My sourceforge in English or in French
for non-french reader who don't "pane" anything in french !
Thanks !
is the non french reader understand this answer ?
:tongue: :tongue: ;)
tangoku#19 Posté le 14/9/2010 à 09:35:00
Hi folks good news, with the new version of Gesthotel the french language is available.
thanks to everybody about the possibility to put on Gambasource, I will speak with fsurfing the owner of the software.

If somebody want to try and report some bugs here the link for Ubuntu

any problem please ask to me
and remember to install
mysql and gambas2-gb-db-mysql .
Thanks a lot

Ps, I tried to use google translator for the wiki

gambix#20 Posté le 14/9/2010 à 09:57:00
Faire simple !In fact spheris it is automatic... non french users see automatiquely the english pages. (but can't add sources)

If YOU FRENCH want to see the english pages... just add &lang=en to your url to force the english use.

It' not gambassource but gambas forge ... even if i've thinked to this name too :)

If you have problems to add it call me here or better in the gambas mailing list :)

And for info ... for others ,... i've repared gbforge... it run now

Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.
gambix#21 Posté le 15/9/2010 à 08:14:00
Faire simple !buerk ... what sad colors .... ... too colorefull for me ... and the traduction ... is ... really bad

I think the maker of this soft need to use less color and have a preference in the use of common systèm colors... colors have to be used with care
and just when it is needed ... if you take a look at all the most used soft, you have not this way to use colors.
Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.