Gambas France BETA

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Gesthotel-Software hotel management

tangoku#1 Posté le 2/9/2010 à 22:38:00
Hello guys, this is the link for one new software written in Gambas for hotel management.
Is good for hotel, bed and breakfast and school.
I know is only in Italian and english but if somebody is interested we can think about the translation.

The author is fsurfing one of the most active guy in Italian community.
All icons and logo are mine :)
You will find the codes and the package for all distribution.
Enjoy it.
GarulfoUnix#2 Posté le 3/9/2010 à 12:52:00
By the wayI would have it well translated in french but i don't know the italian language. :lol!:
May be there are people here who know the italian language and translate it in french.

Anyway this program looks like be a good open source solution for managers.
tangoku#3 Posté le 3/9/2010 à 14:07:00
I would have it well translated in french but i don't know the italian language. :lol!:

If you want we can use the translator for change the menù inside the software in french. Or if somebody speaks italian would be great.
Yes actually is very good for hotel and in this moment is already installed in one Hotel in Rome as first System
GarulfoUnix#4 Posté le 3/9/2010 à 14:48:00
By the wayhowever if the GUI is available in english i can easily translate it in french. (but not right now, i'm busy enough with another thing for the moment).
Still one of powers of Gambas :) .
spheris#5 Posté le 4/9/2010 à 10:06:00
is your soft is compiled for Gambas 2.xx or Gambas 3?
Thanks for your answer.
tangoku#6 Posté le 4/9/2010 à 11:16:00
is your soft is compiled for Gambas 2.xx or Gambas 3?
Thanks for your answer.

Gesthotel is compiled for Gambas 2.
At the moment the author(fsurfing) is doing the new one for Gambas 3, but only started now.
I think Gesthotel 2 it will be ready in few months.
gambix#7 Posté le 4/9/2010 à 20:20:00
Faire simple !it seem really interesting :) (buon lavoro !)
Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.
tangoku#8 Posté le 6/9/2010 à 00:37:00
thank you
@france 1159,
I spoke with the author and We`d like to translate in french as well.
I have a question for the community.
In Gambas we have a character codify for the language system.
So for example for the Italian language we are using
System.Language ="it_IT" & "." & System.Charset
for the english
System.Language ="en_US" & "." & System.Charset
is anybody know the code for the french language??
Thanks in advance for your precious help.
Prokopy#9 Posté le 6/9/2010 à 00:52:00
Kinder PinguiHi,

For the french language the code is fr_FR.
And your soft is great ! Very interesting ! ;)
La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne.
La pratique, c'est quand ça marche mais qu'on ne sait pas pourquoi.
Quand la théorie rejoint la pratique, rien ne fonctionne et on ne sait pas pourquoi.
tangoku#10 Posté le 6/9/2010 à 08:06:00
Hi thanks
so the correct one is

System.Language ="fr_FR" & "." & System.Charset
gambix#11 Posté le 6/9/2010 à 16:17:00
Faire simple !yes :)

Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.
tangoku#12 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 01:31:00
thanks guys.
Good news.
With the 0.1.39 of Gesthotel the french language is ready.
ita2all another software written in Gambas by fsurfing ,made that.
ita2all is based to the Google traductor and the author used this for make the translation
I want to attach the po file just in case somebody want have a look and making better one.
Can I attach it in one post or not :confused:
If yes which button I should use for that.
I haven`t find any.

manu#13 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 06:55:00
Avec Gambas ca roule !Hello,

No you can't attach file in the forum but you can send your file in the Spheris Mail or Manu Mail. I see how to activate this possibility in the Forum but i don't sure it's possible.
Jeanne d'arc, elle a frit, elle a tout compris ! ;)

Config :
Manjaro linux (excellent !)
XFCE 4.1 (simple et efficace)
Gambas 3 dans les dépots (confort total)
gambix#14 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 07:15:00
Faire simple !tangoku

Make directly a complete gambas archive by merge your translate with the project and add an entry in gambasforge ... then
put your link here !

in case of problem for the merge send me your project. i will do it for you and return the file

Moins de texte dans une signature c'est agrandir son espace.
manu#15 Posté le 7/9/2010 à 09:43:00
Avec Gambas ca roule !Of course Gambix !!!! I forget this possibility. GambasForge is the best way to share a soft !
Jeanne d'arc, elle a frit, elle a tout compris ! ;)

Config :
Manjaro linux (excellent !)
XFCE 4.1 (simple et efficace)
Gambas 3 dans les dépots (confort total)